Sunday, September 29, 2013


This window was a request by a Michigan friend who wanted something with chicken wire so she could use it for her jewelry.  After I popped the bottom three windows out I thought it would look cool combined as a photo frame.  These are not her children - I only publish my own children's faces all over the internet.

Etsy $50   

I thank Toby Mac for this lovely saying.  This is something we are constantly working on with our children (and ourselves).  Love is so much more than a word or an emotion.  This sign is on the tinier side but could of course be made larger:
Etsy $15
The verse below is one of several floating around my head for my kids' bedrooms.  This one is for my son.  It's one of many in a series - I want it to seem almost like a 'letter' from God.  I like the simple typography (is that a word?).  There is so much wisdom in a simple verse or even a phrase of a song that can often get lost in the hundreds of words around it.  I want my kids to hear the simple messages God is saying to them through His word and through those around them:

Etsy $45
Many more like that above on the horizon - let me know if you have any inspiration!

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